Try it Easily!

No plan fees until the end of the month following registration

Easy to Implement!

Implement with a Plugin or
Simple Code

Implement at a Low Cost

Implementable at a Lower Cost Compared to the Industry Average

Logo:Universal Userbility For U

Universal Userbility for U

In a time when there is a global trend towards implementing web accessibility on all websites, we main challenge about high costs, unclear pricing, and difficulty of implementation. UUU was born out of a desire to provide a web accessibility service that is easy to use, low-cost, and accessible to everyone.

Features of UUU


No plan fees from the date of registration until the end of the following month

Enjoy up to two months free, allowing you to implement and evaluate it on your site with confidence!

Reg. 04/16


Free Period


Start of cost accrual

Examples of Registration Period and Start of cost accrual


Implement with a Plugin or Simple Code

icon: check mark

For websites built with WordPress, implementation is easy with a plugin!

icon: check mark

After registration, simply copy and paste the code displayed on the management screen into your site for easy implementation.


Implementable at a Lower Cost Compared to the Industry Average

Implement at a monthly cost up to 80%* lower compared to major competitors!

Achieve cost reduction while ensuring safety and high quality through joint development between Vietnamese and Japanese companies.

*As of May 2024, according to our research


Highlight Links
Bigger text
Stop animation
Text Spacing Adjustment
Text Alignment
Big Cursor
Line Height
Hide Images


Widget Usage

Per 1 Domain

Charged Per Domain (including subdomains)

Special Limited-Time Price*

Monthly Plan


Regular Price
$30 /Month~

Annual Plan

17% Off


Regular Price
$300 /Year~

* The campaign ends on December 31, 2024

icon: check mark

All Widgets Available

icon: check mark

Includes charges for up to 100,000 PV

icon: check mark

$3 will be added for every 100,000 PV exceeded

In the case of 240,000 PV per month

In Monthly Plan
+ $3
+ $3

= $26/Month

Free Plan Available for NPO

We offer this service for free to websites of NPO that have been recognized through our screening process as having a high level of social contribution. For more details, please contact us.

Seeking Sales Partners

For more details, please contact us.